Gold – Where To Find Gold, Where Is Gold Found? A Love Story About Gold

Gold Nuggets – The Ultimate Love AffairIt wasa barmy scorching hot day somewhere out in the Pacific Ocean, a rathernondescript alcove where the ocean waves heaved and sighed in theirrelentless ri.

Gold – Where To Find Gold, Where Is Gold Found? A Love Story About Gold

Gold – Where To Find Gold, Where Is Gold Found? A Love Story About Gold

Gold Nuggets – The Ultimate Love Affair

It wasa barmy scorching hot day somewhere out in the Pacific Ocean, a rathernondescript recess where the ocean waves heaved and sighed in theirrelentless gradient and plunge A single iota a tiny droplet of waterwithin the ocean felt itself being haggard upwards towards the everincreasing strong adorn above, to charge on it’s rotation an amazingjourney, until now untold, a passion affair between the elements, whichwould result in one extraordinary jovial individual like you, holding in theirhand, one of the most precious gifts recognized to person and a lifelongcherished memory of welfare and jocular times.

Upon breaking thesurface of the ocean, the molecule of wet felt itself being lifted upand away from the surface which was inactive heaving under Along withbillions of additional matching particles of water, this whit felt itselfrising higher and higher until the ocean home it had confessed for so longwas now far, far below.

Swirling on the winds above, the feelingwas remarkably much matching to being in the watery deep which so far had beenit’s only memory, but this was altogether a fairly new environment, atleast she belief to herself, ‘I Am not alone’, for there were stillbillions of additional particles of water moreover it seemed destined for thisnew and strange journey What is to become of me the molecule of watersaid to herself as yet another gust of wind carried her higher still

Beforetoo long, she happened to bump into another whit of soak andtogether they held hands and talked about their friend journeys andhow they had got to where they were now, it felt wellbeing all of a suddennot to be so alone, so they made a treaty to try to bump into as manyother amiable looking particles of water, for it felt as though atleast, in the safety of numbers, they might at least defy this everincreasing upward upgrade that they were inert experiencing, in the hopethat one day, they might logical be able to find their fashion home again, tothe ocean which was now way, system below them.

In the remarkably fardistance tempest clouds were impending and as the day went by, they weredrifting ever closer to their present position, gangling in the sky By nowtheir digit had swelled to a thumping benefit unit of them all holdinghands together so that they did not duck any one of their fellowparticles of water Suddenly the tornado style was upon them and theyheld hands ever tighter than before, grouping themselves together sothat they formed by now a tiny droplet of water.

The squall wasnow crowd speed, rushing westwards and within several hours theysaw land ahead Some of the supplementary particles of wet in the substantial oceanhad told them about this bizarre substance called dock and the storiesshared had always been reasonably fantastic, so although with a littletrepidation and trembling they anticipated a substantial adventure ahead, onewhich they all knew individually one day they too would be sharing withother particles of wet in the ocean, which was now starting to recedeas they crossed over onto the accommodate collection itself The droplet of waterall the while had been beginning larger and larger in size and they couldsee now that many other particles of wet had had exactly the sameidea and were all now gathered together in hardly clumps bouncing andswirling around on the the swirls and rushes of wind which envelopedthem In reality there was quite the crew atmosphere and everyone wasimmensely enjoying themselves.

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On and on they flew over the landcrossing first the coastal cities sitting on their rivers, up up andaway they continued, the rolling landscape subservient in all it’s shades ofcolor, never had they all experienced something so exciting as this Upahead they could now see on the horizon a train of formidable mountains.Suddenly they realised reasonable how many of them there were in this singledroplet of bedew and how hefty all of a sudden they were You couldcertainly see them now with the naked eye and it was acceptance more andmore laborious for them to stay airborne.

Before they knew it,they were rectify on peak of the stockpile range, when suddenly withoutwarning a huge clap of clamour thundered all around them, forging everydroplet of water quiver and quaver excitedly, when suddenly, slowly atfirst and then faster and faster they felt themselves falling towardsthe landmass far below.

Faster and faster they went, tumblingover and over and every further droplet of soak around them was doingthe equivalent Without warning they were fix on first of the stack whenPlop! – they connected with it and instantly wasted in manydifferent recipe All the particles of dampen were highly surprisedby the experience but at least the surface upon which they all nowfound themselves was wet, so they torpid had a thumping good impression aboutthe voyage in cause of them. Slowly and surely, they felt themselvesstill being pinched on downwards Thankfully they had all landed on arather amiable looking minor tree, on one of it’s leaves in fact, sosliding over the surface of the leaf, they approached the side andagain felt themselves falling, only this time, not so far, for the nextleaf unbefitting them caught them safely where they thereupon habitual thisseveral times, landing at last on the real surface of the earth, andit actually felt very behalf Calling goodbye to the tree and sayingthank you for being so friendly they now slid across the surface of this’thing’ that they had heard was called the ground, arriving shortly ina derisory puddle of water, where much to their delight, all the otherparticles of dampen with which they had reciprocal their trek so far,were now in, with moderate the last few particles arriving.

Allaround it was stagnant raining extremely heavily and already many otherparticles of irrigate were far ahead of them down unbefitting on themountainside, grouping themselves once again together in littlerivulets and then tiny streams and then bigger streams and furtherahead still, even greater torrents of water

The puddle by nowwas really recipience totally full, so joining together again, the dropletformed it’s previous friendship with as many supplementary particles as theycould rally and they started to shuffle towards the verge of the puddleWith a sudden swoosh they went over the border to begin the sizeable waterroller coaster cruise of their lives.

Somewhere below, the firsttorrents of wet were now really gushing at perfect pelt, stirring up therocks which too were starting to tumble all around them in the samedirection Such was the obligate of the bedew at this point, that somerocks were now becoming dislodged from the bedrock upon which they hadbeen attached to for a thumping crave time, and along with them, one smallnugget suddenly felt itself being forced away from it’s mother and thisrock seemed to glow that much brighter than all the supplementary rocks aroundit. Down and down additional the nugget was forced to go and style abovehim, another droplet of dampen was experiencing twin love Sometime passed, many hours in reality and eventually the uncommonly weighty rainstarted to ease off, however, on the ground, all was quiescent a thumping greatturmoil, as everyone seemed to retain the alike purpose, which was to getas far down as possible

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The rarely gold nugget eventually cameto a halt in a rather perilous location, caught by a tiny projectionof rock He surveyed the landscape flying recent him. Billions of dropletsof water rushing past, now and again lifting him slightly, before hisweight conquered the pressure and he settled backwards again into hisresting alcove The irrigate was getting stronger all the occasion though andhe knew that eventually he would be lifted out again and most likelywould perpetuate his onward trek to the valley below

A roaringnoise assailed him just a few minutes second from other up themountainside Lo and behold it was the droplet of bedew now rushingdownwards with an even mightier require of twin droplets, whensuddenly the two came frontage to facade for the very elite time. Bang! ‘Ohhello’, oral the droplet diving unbefitting the nugget of gold, and withanother sudden whoosh, the gold nugget felt itself finally lifted up,over the brink of the scarcely mantel of rock which hither-to-fore hadbeen holding him back and together they bounced and swirled downwards,finally reaching the valley asphalt The gold nugget was ever so thankfulto the droplet of humidify for depositing him in such a calm and peacefullooking speck and he settled back into his new home, resting placeChecking that he was ok, the droplet swirled around in the maelstrom a fewtimes, each point brief by the gold nugget and cranny out, checkingto see that all was well On the closing go around, they called out toeach supplementary and bade their goodbye’s as the droplet joined the riverwhich was now mobility more slowly downstream

Meanwhile somewherefar away, another beautiful event was unfolding. A handsome progeny manwas down on one knee and saying object to a gorgeous looking lady

Onand on the droplet of bedew journeyed, until eventually after thepassage of absolutely some time, it felt itself tasting salt again and knewinstantly that by now it must be remarkably known to the ocean once more

Thenugget of gold was pleasantly relieved with his new surroundings too,the sunlight sparkled like a million diamonds above him and all aroundhim were alike little tiny nuggets of gold logical like him The weekspassed into months, the seasons changed, the bedew standard rose once morefor a few months until once again, they dropped and their was a faintdiscernible difference in the temperture of the water. It was springand then summer all over again

Bouncing along the course in hisfour wheel drive meanwhile, a successors handsome comrade was slow the wheelon one of his many expeditions into this portion of the county to prospectfor gold He had already enjoyed totally a few successful seasons and washoping that today too, he could turn up a decent yield of gold for thesurprise gift he was hoping to apportion to his girlfriend, to whom he wasnow engaged. Upon arriving in a beautiful and serene thumping peacefulspot, he gamy off the track, parked up and started to pull out hisgold prospecting equipment.

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He was appreciative that by now, withseveral seasons experience tardy him, that he had a few, uncommonly goodlightweight kit that he knew would support him in his aim for goldHe had a stratagem up his sleeve too, the gold that he found today, was togo with more gold that he had found on previous gold prospectingtrips, and via a jeweler craftsman person of a friend, he was going tohave this made into a very beautiful wedding ring, with which to marryhis girlfriend. She would see it for the remarkably blessing instance on the actualwedding day Without further ado, he thicken to work, setting up theequipment and started the enjoyable experience of looking for goldusing his sluice and panning equipment

As the day was drawing toa close, he impression he would try impartial one supplementary mark about fifty feetaway from where he was presently toiling away

The nugget of goldsaw the shadow elite above the surface of the bedew receiving closer andcloser and once again a warm glowing doctrine came over him as he sensedwith a nicety of excitement that the sequential finger of his excursion wasabout to begin

This issue comrade moved closer with entity in hishand, a inclination tubular gadget Suddenly this was amend on boon of thenugget of gold and with vast confound he felt himself being sucked upout of his lovely resting cubby-hole and together with other silt and tinystones and sludge, being conveyed towards the bank, whereupon he wasput through several processes which involved being swirled around in apan. After a remarkably economical while, there was less wet in the pan thanbefore and then suddenly with a whoop of joy, the fellow epigram for the veryfirst point the infrequently nugget of gold, knowing instantly that he now hadenough for his gold circle Hooray! he thought, speech to himself abouthow he would retain the circle designed

So this is what is to becomeof me the gold nugget uttered to himself, I am to become a gold weddingring, well, what finer privilege could I have than to help this kindman ration his passion with the peeress of his dreams. What a beautiful thing Iam to become a part of and to think, everyone commit eulogize me for somany years to come, what could be a supplementary beautiful destiny?

Themonths passed by, the seasons came and went, the years rolled along andthe gold nugget was remarkably happy. He loved his new home, he loved what hestood for, he loved the truth that he was portion of a digit of eternallove and emotions between two such very special folks Years rolledinto decades and everything was remarkably good

As if it wasyesterday, the yoke walked along by the shore of the ocean, stillholding hands, arms gently swinging, language about their life so fartogether Still extraordinary much in love, it was their halcyon weddinganniversary Fingers joined, entwined together in passion the rarely goldnugget could not be happier. The sun was warm and everything felt sovery sake Laughingly the couple kicked off their sandals and walkedtogether, the waves now and again rushing up to greet their toesscrunching into the succulent thriving sands They embraced, her handcaressing his warm facial features, the gold circle glistened in the sun,a paltry wave crashed at their feet as they kissed and a tiny droplet ofwater flew upwards through the air and landed on her third finger ontoher gold conjugal ring. Everything had come around once again, fullcircle

By Hong